With a rich content of phytonutrients and antioxidants, but low in fat and calories, black currants should be found permanently in a healthy and balanced diet.
Refreshing and sour, black currants are the ideal fruits in the warm season and are among the most appreciated forest fruits. Being rich in vitamins, minerals, but also other beneficial compounds for health, these little black berries are not only tasty, the consumption of black currants has numerous benefits for the human body.
With a rich content of phytonutrients and antioxidants, but low in fat and calories, black currants should be found permanently in a healthy and balanced diet. Do you want to know all the wonders these berries can do for your health? Discover in the following article everything you need to know about black currants, from benefits and contraindications, to their properties and the various ways in which you can enjoy the intensely sweet and sour taste of the small and round berries!
​​The properties of black currants
As I mentioned before, black currants have many benefits for the health of the human body. These berries are a rich source of nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber.
Black currants contain significant amounts of these nutrients, the nutritional information indicating:
Vitamin C – this vitamin determines the antioxidant properties of black currants, which block free radicals;
B vitamin complex - such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamine (vitamin B1), these being essential for accelerating metabolism;
Iron – this is an important mineral found in black currants, providing 20% ​​of the daily value. Also, by transporting oxygen in the cells, the iron in blackcurrants has benefits regarding immunity deficiencies and fatigue;
Black currants are also rich in calcium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and potassium, maintaining the optimal function of cells, tissues and organs in the body;
Beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin are flavonoids contained in black currants that have miraculous benefits in terms of cancer, neurological diseases, inflammation or the aging process.
Am comandat prima data de la aceasta firma si am rămas plăcut surprinsă. M-au ajutat făcând o sesizare la firma de curierat care nu a livrat produsul deși era deja in orașul meu. Dupa intervenția aceasta comanda a sosit in cateva ore.
Am folosit pt spargerea si eliminarea pietrei de la rinichi Am eliminat dupa 3 zile nisip fin fara durere, doar o mica senzatie de fierbinte-foarte usoara senzatie de usturime Multumesc!
Am cumpărat vitaminele A, complex B, C, D3, E, K1 și K2 și sunt mulțumită de raportul calitate - preț și de oferta variata și completa. Voi reveni!
Sant clienta veche și sant foarte mulțumită, toate produsele achiziționate sant de calitate foarte buna având astfel rezultatele dorite. Felicitări echipei !