Ginger is a food with special properties and benefits for the health of the body, attested by specialized studies. From supporting immunity in the fight against a series of bacteria to intensifying the metabolism, ginger is a promising help in a series of ailments that many of us have faced so far.
Ginger is a true ally in the fight against various pathogens, therefore its benefits are not at all negligible. In fact, they even determined the realization of several clinical studies initiated both by universities and clinics specialized in nutrition, which support the importance and power of this food. Here are some of the most important benefits brought to the body by the daily consumption of ginger:
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a plant that has its origins in the tropical forests of South Asia and has been used for centuries both in food, to spice up food, and as a support in integrative medicine.
Its name comes from the word singivera from the Pali language, spoken in the past on the territory of India, a word that means in the shape of a deer's horn. Used for its benefits since Antiquity and even promoted by Pythagoras, ginger has also been tested by Chinese medicine for the relief of unpleasant digestive symptoms, coughs or to relieve pain caused by rheumatism.
Ginger is an ingredient especially appreciated in oriental cuisine, and its active principles - including terpenes, oleoresins and volatile oils - give it beneficial properties in various conditions, such as indigestion, nausea or colds.
Ginger is used both in international cuisine and in cures to maintain health. Thus, the recommended dose varies depending on the beneficial effect sought, and in the case of powder, extract, tincture, capsules or ginger oil, 2 g/day divided into different doses or 4 cups of tea/day can be consumed, but these doses must approved by a doctor or specialist consultant.
When the ginger root is boiled, the spicy taste is more intense, and the aroma decreases, because part of the volatile oils are removed through the boiling process. In Thailand, for example, ginger is grated, then mixed with other spices to prepare curry paste.
Eu folosesc Ashwaganda de aproape doi ani și sunt f.multumita de ceea ce face.Am un Parchison Gr. 2 și mă ajută,că efectul medicamentelor sa fie mai eficient.In perioadele in care nu am folosit Ashwaganda am tremurat mai tare decât atunci cân...
Nu mă pot trimită în legătură cu efectele acestui supliment ce pot să spun este ca pachetul a ajuns repede în condiții bune și suplimentele au fost sigilate după cură mă întorc cu părere
Folosesc suplimentul ,,coada de curcan; dacă va avea efectul scontat de mine va voi anunta. Deocamdată am impresia ca e benefic ,dar de abia la sfârșit voi ști indubitabil ce efect a avut.
Prompti si foarte amabili. Au raspuns din prima la telefon, ne-au dat toate info, iar coletul a ajuns in conditii perfecte in cel mai scurt timp. Recomand!
Produsul cumpărat este cel pe care. l cautam de mult timp. Eu personal îl folosesc pentru o paradontoza. Din prima săptămână mai avut sângerări la nivelul gingiei deloc. Mulțumesc!