Dietary supplements have been discussed more and more frequently in recent years. The notion, relatively newly entered both in Romanian legislation and in common language, is associated either with special products for athletes, or with traditional tinctures and teas that promise to solve all health problems.
Beyond the issues of perception and the tendency to look for natural or naturist solutions, food supplements represent a field that means much more than "grinding" a plant and has behind it the results of research in the fields of biotechnologies, medicine, nutrition and an industry extremely dynamic.
Herbs and glandular extracts have been used since ancient times to correct certain deficiencies, they also represent some of the first natural treatment remedies. Along with the development of modern medicine and pharmacology, natural health products followed two parallel directions: complex formulas were researched and developed that could be recommended in parallel with allopathic treatments, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and probiotics, or remained in an area of ​​obscurity, becoming working tools of various doctors and healers who use the reputation of certain plants or extracts to recommend good "cures" for everything, especially in incurable diseases.
Due to the permissive legislation, both categories continue to exist, but the difference is mostly made by the consumer, and information is essential in this case.
What are Food Supplements?
Food supplements are preparations containing vitamins, minerals or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect (fibers, amino acids, fatty acids, vegetable or animal extracts) that are indicated when, for certain reasons, they are missing or not found in a sufficient amount enough in the daily diet, or when the body needs a supplement of nutrients (for example, in disease states). It is marketed in different forms: capsules, tablets, hydroalcoholic extracts, powder, ointments, etc.1 In Romania, the field of food supplements is regulated by the National Institute of Food Bioresources (IBA) and the Ministry of Health. Food supplements that contain only vitamins and/or minerals are approved by the Ministry of Health, while the rest fall under the jurisdiction of the National Service for Medicinal Plants, Aromatics and Beehive Products - SNPMAPS, within the IBA. The USA was the first country to develop a special law on dietary supplements - the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), in 1994, while the European Union offered a legislative framework for this field only in 2002, through Directive 2002/46/ WHAT THE.
Este un supliment recomandat de doctor. Care într-adevăr își face efectul asupra mea. Și îmi da încredere că voi fi mult mai bine după tratament de 6 luni recomandat.
Salutare. ZMA ul il achizitionez pentru fiul meu, practica înotul de performantã si ne a fost recomandat de cãtre nutritionist. Il ia de mult timp, consider cã il ajuta mai ales pe partea musculara, crampe, cârcei etc
Am gasit suplimentul cautat produs de o companie care eu o consider de incredere. Pretul a post in limitele de piata rezonabil. Prin aceasta imi permit sa continui tratamentul in conditii optime din punctul meu de vedere. Livrarea a mers in timpii pr...
Serviciile de livrare excepționale; referitor la produs este nevoie de o perioadă de minim 21 zile pentru a stabili eficiența lui. Sunt sigură de rezultatul benefic, mulțumesc.
M-a impresionat rapiditatea și precizia livrării comenzii mele cu multiple produse ! In ce privește originea americană a producătorului acestei forme ușor asimilabile de Zinc - mi se pare o garanție în plus a calității pastilelor.
Excelent produs, aceasta vitamina D3 : foarte multe capsule (250) concentrate și de mici dimensiuni (ușor de înghițit). Absolut necesar în sezonul rece, când sunt mult mai reduse sursele naturale de D3.
Este un produs de calitate, corespunde cu descrierea furnizorului. Menționez că produsul nu este nici chinezesc, nici turcesc ci este fabricat în Statele Unite și nu este manipulat genetic. Mulțumesc echipei pentru seriozi...
am primit ce am comandat. nu este nici o diferență între produsul pus în coș de mine și cel primit. Cunosc aceste produse foarte bine. Sunt super multumita